

Combining Gaia catalogue with the power of volunteer computing

Volunteer now!

Click to volunteer your resources in gaia@home BOINC project!

Science with Gaia@home

Use Gaia@home to speed up your science!

Why use it?

Gaia catalogue

Enjoy quick access to the whole Gaia catalogue.

Your code

Write your own custom code in your favorite language operating on data from Gaia mission.

Volunteer's computers

Use the power of BOINC platform and volunteer's computing to do computatinal heavy lifting!


The Gaia@home project is designed to give scientists another layer of freedom. The project makes possible to perform computations which demand a lot of CPU time – reducing the computational workload and opening up opportunities for heavy processing operations on volunteers computers.

Gaia@home allows to create a huge number of small jobs (Gaia data + code), send them to the BOINC platform and collect the results for further analysis.

Science with Gaia@home

Use Gaia@home to speed up your science!

BOINC platform

Click to volunteer your resources in gaia@home project!

BOINC lets you help cutting-edge science research using your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux) or Android device. BOINC downloads scientific computing jobs to your computer and runs them invisibly in the background. It's easy and safe.

About 30 science projects use BOINC; examples include Einstein@Home, IBM World Community Grid, and SETI@home. These projects investigate diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research.

official BOINC website
This project has been implemented by the Adam Mickiewicz University under ESA contract No. 4000120180 in the framework of the Permanently Open Call for Proposals under the Polish Industry Incentive Scheme (AO8433).