Computer breakdown by BOINC version

View breakdown by operating system

BOINC version# of active computers% of recent credit
8.0.2 86 30.1784 %
7.18.1 63 15.1534 %
8.0.4 62 13.5903 %
7.24.1 58 8.1540 %
7.16.6 45 6.8012 %
8.0.1 2 6.6059 %
7.20.5 21 5.2662 %
7.16.16 10 4.9475 %
7.19.0 10 3.3131 %
7.20.2 12 1.7237 %
7.23.1 4 1.5189 %
7.17.0 4 0.8881 %
7.20.1 2 0.8201 %
8.1.0 5 0.2266 %
7.16.5 1 0.2046 %
7.14.2 9 0.1673 %
7.6.33 1 0.1455 %
7.4.25 1 0.1217 %
7.9.3 1 0.0672 %
7.6.31 2 0.0371 %
7.22.2 2 0.0342 %
7.24.5 7 0.0236 %
7.20.4 2 0.0056 %
7.24.3 1 0.0006 %
7.22.1 2 0.0004 %

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