Top Other teams

RankNameMembersRecent average creditTotal creditCountryType
1 1 0 154,469 France Other
2 BOINC Confederation 5 0 2,790,806 International Other
3 BOINC Synergy 6 0 106,660 International Other
4 BOINC@Austria 3 0 624,019 Austria Other
5 BOINC@Heidelberg 2 0 158,759 Germany Other
6 Sun City LT 2 0 363,885 Lithuania Other
7 TankNet 1 0 825,940 International Other
8 Terracreation 1 0 2,261,919 United States Other
9 BOINC@AUSTRALIA 12 0 3,015,017 Australia Other
10 Antarctic Crunchers 6 0 6,382,162 Antarctica Other
11 Stephenson Clan 1 0 14,702 United States Other
12 Team 1 0 28,730 Germany Other
13 L'Alliance Francophone 75 0 36,250,604 International Other
14 The Planetary Society 5 0 2,426,667 International Other
15 Free-DC 2 0 4,296,076 International Other
16 SETI-team-hannover 1 0 14,216 Germany Other
17 TeAm AnandTech 17 0 29,947,345 International Other
18 SETI.Germany 40 0 16,004,045 Germany Other
19 Dutch Power Cows 3 0 2,158,209 Netherlands Other
20 The Final Front Ear 4 0 827,821 International Other

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